When MarsCharge™ lands, be first

Reserve your MarsCharger™ Lite today.

Be the first to experience the MarsCharge™ difference.

The freedom of driving without range anxiety.
The relief of battery-friendly charging.
The flexibility of SnapCharging™ and FlexiCharging™
This is advanced electrical vehicle charging.

Charge friendly, live fearless

How it works

MarsChargers™ are planned for mass production by mid-2023.

To secure a reservation, a $### deposit is required.

The estimated retail price will be $1,900 per unit.
Your deposit will be applied against the final cost of your MarsCharger™, plus shipping (if applicable).

All MarsChargers™ include FlexiCharging™ and SnapCharge™.

You may reclaim (refund) your deposit at any time but will lose your reservation.


Ready to lead charge?
Download the Investor Pack today.

Technical Evaluation & Approval from the US Department of Energy.